All of our residential Service Packages are unlimited and include clearing of every snowfall over three centimetres (3 CMs), as well as Green melter applications throughout the winter. Every single snowfall over three centimetres is guaranteed cleared, no matter how much, how hard, or how often it snows throughout the entire Winter.
All of our residential Service Packages offer flat rate pricing which will cover your property for the entire winter. There are no hidden costs, no extra visit charges, and no worrying about past-due extra payments. Your flat rate seasonal cost is agreed upon up front, and payment may be split up into several equal installments, payable over the course of your contract. The guaranteed pricing agreed upon at the beginning of the season is locked in for the entire duration of your contract, and will never go up, regardless of how much snow we get.
All of our residential Service Packages include eco-friendly Green Ice Melter applications in the flat rate. Our Complete and Priority Packages include the full benefits of our ICEGUARD Weather Watch: In addition to Green Melter applied after every clearing visit, applications will be automatically made any time there is any active winter weather which may result in slippery conditions, such as nuisance snow under 3 CMs, freezing rain, slush, sleet, or flash freezing events. Meanwhile, our Standard Package includes only limited applications, with Green Melter applied once after each time your property receives clearing. For larger sites, we also offer pay-as-you-go ice control options and custom application schedules - please contact us to discuss a custom schedule.
All of our residential Service Packages include guaranteed service times which will determine how soon after a snowfall your property receives clearing. Our Priority and Complete Packages both include guaranteed morning snowfall service to maintain an accessible site throughout the day, with Priority always delivering the fastest guaranteed service. Our Standard Package offers service within 12 hours of the snowfall ending, no matter what time the snow might fall. Regardless of the Service Package you choose, we generally prefer to work overnight or in the pre-dawn hours, and we always aim to have all of our contracted properties completed by morning. When its snowing, you can rest assured your property will always receive service as fast as we promised.
All of our residential Service Packages include multiple clearing visits during heavy or extended storms. For snowfalls which accumulate to 15 centimetres or more, our crews will go out once to clear during the storm, and will return as many times as necessary as long as the snow keeps falling. Your chosen Service Package will determine the frequency of return visits.
All of our residential Service Packages can include clearing and ice control of not only your parking lots and driveways, but also sidewalks, walkways, steps, entrances, and just about anything you need plowed or shoveled.
Customers receive an email notice at least 24 hours in advance of any active weather that is expected to hit Toronto or the surrounding areas. These updates contain the latest pertinent information about the impending weather including snowfall start and stop times, expected storm severity, approximate amounts of precipitiation and expected weather impacts on our city, allowing you to make any special arrangements in advance of the plows visiting your property. You can track our trucks live with our GPS-enabled fleet, and all work is meticulously logged and reported.
According to Environment Canada, Toronto faces an average of 140 centimetres of snowfall per year, spread over fourty to fifty snowfall events. It is not uncommon to see snowfall accumulations of over 30 centimetres from one storm! Keeping your residential property clear and hazard-free requires a lot of time, specialized equipment, and heavy labour, so having an experienced snow removal contractor is imperative to ensure your safety during the Winter months.
Source: www.monsterplow.ca
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