Shipping containers are the perfect choice for Off The Grid building and living!
Shipping container homes are the PERFECT base to start building you off grid home or cabin. It’s extensible, affordable, modular, and portable. If you build a traditional home or cabin, and ever have to move, you can’t take your home with you, which forces you to sell it and start from scratch.
With container homes you can easily upgrade an existing home by simply adding another 40′ container which adds an instant 320′ square feet onto your total living space. It’s inexpensive, it’s efficient, and it’s eco-friendly. When you turn a used shipping container into a home, you’re helping contribute to the betterment of the world.
These are a just few of my shipping container home designs. From one extreme to the other, cheap and small, to extremely large and extravagant these are some of the most popular home design styles made from shipping containers.
This is my completely NEW Container Castle design. 4 Stories, consists of 18 40′ shipping containers forming a ring around a central atrium like vertical space 32 feet tall by 40×40 (1600 sqft) wide in the center. The four stories total a square footage of 5120 sqft not counting the 4 40′ towers at each corner of the castle. Each tower level has a floor space of 64 sqft, for a total of 1024 square feet within all 4 towers. There is a 10 foot round dome skylight on the roof which lets in plenty of sunlight to grow many species of plants and even trees INSIDE the castle.
– 7744 square feet of floor space
– 24, 000 Watt Solar Panel Array (48 500 Watt PV panels) = $20, 000
– 20, 000 Watt Quad Vertical Helix Mag-Lev (low wind) Wind Turbine System = $50, 000
4 large helix wind turbines and a solar panel array with 48 solar panels generate a combined power of 44, 000 watts.
Total cost to build this 4 story container castle? Not counting the solar/wind power system is about $207k
8 Bedroom 4 Bath “Container Castle” for less than $???k
18 Steel (ISBU) 40′ Shipping Containers = $36, 000
Design Drawings/Floor Plan = $1000
Building Permits = $5000
Foundation = $10, 000
Plumbing = $2500
Electrical = $2500
Heating/Cooling/Ducting = $5000
Carpet (1000 yards) = $5000
Flooring 2000 sq ft (bathrooms & kitchen) = $5000
Drywall/Paneling/Paint = $10, 000
Cabinets/Counters $5000
Hardware/Toilets/Tubs/Showers = $5000
Lighting = $5000
Windows = $15000
Doors (20) = $3000
Roofing = $5000
Landscaping = $2500
Electrical and Trim Fixtures = $5000
SUB TOTAL = $137, 000
TOTAL COST = $207, 500
3 Story Shipping Container Castle
$226k CONTAINER CASTLE MODEL: And the final, nearly 10, 000 square foot 8+ bedroom Container Castle.
8 Bedroom 4 Bath “Container Castle” for less than $250k
– 9, 920 square feet of floor space
– 12, 000 Watt Solar Panel Array (48 500 Watt PV panels) = $20, 000